Get Started
Your Snap Merchant Account
Already a Snap Partner?
Call your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to enable eCommerce settings for your account. You can also contact support.
New to Snap?
Complete this application to become a Snap Partner.
Get API Credentials (Sandbox)
To request API credentials, log in to your developer account. Select API Keys from the drop-down under your account name and select Request Sandbox API Key. Complete the form that displays to submit your request.
Implement Snap Checkout Using Our eCommerce Plugins.
Check out our list of supported eCommerce plugins or look for us in the WooCommerce or Magento marketplaces. We also provide private installation if you’re on Shopify.
Test Your Integration
We encourage you to see how the customer will interact with your website.
You can incorporate logging or other code in your website at the following touch points to confirm that the Snap Checkout button is functioning properly.
Touch points for testing
- Approved: The onApproved method will invoke on your website, passing in the ID of the approved application.
- Denied: The onDenied method will invoke on your website, passing in the ID of the denied application.
- Fulfilled: The order_fulfilled method is invoked after the order has been placed and fulfilled by your platform, notifying Snap to release your funds.
The customer goes through a series of application steps, as shown in the demo. On completion, the merchant site receives an Approved or Denied decision.
You can also test your eCommerce integration end to end by checking out as a customer on your site. Our sandbox mode interface allows you to simulate successful or failed transactions to ensure that your system can account for all situations.

Go Live
Step 1. Contact support to promote your site to production and receive production credentials.
Step 2. Replace the sandbox credentials and API endpoints with production credentials and endpoints.